
Things to Consider When Choosing Your Bathroom Lighting

27 May 2022

It could appear to be a straightforward activity at first glance to light a restroom. But if you dig a little further, you’ll find that this multi-dimensional, multi-functional area frequently presents a difficulty for amateur interior designers and even DIYers who often grapple to strike that exact balance between bright and light, as well as peaceful and soothing. It is highly possible to feel completely overwhelmed by the vast number of options accessible to you now that there are more different kinds of bathroom lighting than ever before.

You’re in luck because we’re here to guide you through the process of selecting the best lighting option for your restroom, and all it takes is a couple of easy steps to get started.

According to Purpose and Function

Is this a bathroom for the whole family? Does it need to be suitable for young children? Is it going to be a haven where you can go to get away and relax all by yourself? The function of your bathroom has a significant impact on the kind of lighting that will be necessary there. Think about how you want your area to appear and feel, what you need and whether you want it to be practical, warm, soft, or bright.

According to Available Floor Space

How would you like to describe the layout of your bathroom? Where are the other light sources located, such as the windows and the light fixtures on the ceiling? You will be able to determine where additional light is required and what kind of lighting is required by balancing the presence of natural light and the lighting that is currently installed in your bathroom with the times that you use your bathroom and the primary purpose of the space. You can also figure out how modifications to already-established plans can make them better meet your requirements. If you have to put on your makeup at six in the morning every day, you will almost surely require mirror lighting during the shorter days and darker evenings of winter. To recreate the atmosphere that is created by the presence of natural light in a bathroom that does not have any windows, you will need to employ a more complex method. You should strive to produce a perfect blend, in which the lighting solutions you select operate in harmony with any natural light sources that may be present.

According to Specific Bathroom Design

Make sure to select only lighting that has been developed exclusively for use in restrooms.When looking for better illumination, it is important to keep in mind that not all lights are designed to function properly in an area like a bathroom. To ensure that it is safe for use in an environment that is both damp and steamy, the lighting in a restroom must comply with several stringent criteria. There will be a wide range of ratings for the various lighting alternatives available, and these ratings will change depending on how close they are going to be to a water source. Therefore, once you’ve established a plan for lighting your bathroom, the next step is to make a note of the requirements for each location before selecting styles. This will help you avoid being dissatisfied with the results.

Are you looking for lighting options for the bathroom? Explore our comprehensive assortment right now here at New Life Bathrooms, or have a look at some of our other blog posts for more helpful information and suggestions regarding interior design. You may also call us to know more about our products and services.